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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Gmail Improvements for G Suite Users

August 21, 2019

Google is improving spell check and grammar suggestions for Gmail according to a report by The Verge. G Suite users will soon notice inline suggestions, powered by machine learning, that appear as you type out an email. Google stated that Gmail will autocorrect some "common spelling mistakes" without you having to click anything or taking any extra steps. Detecting improper verb tense will also improve. The whole point is to help reduce the need to click "check spelling" in the compose window of Gmail.

"You'll now see inline spelling and contextual grammar suggestions in your draft emails as you type. If you've made a grammar mistake, a squiggly blue line will appear under the phrase as you write it. You can choose to accept the suggestion by clicking it. When an auto-correction takes place, we'll temporarily underline the corrected change so you can easily identify and undo the correction if you'd like."

The new options are enabled by default. G Suite users should see the update within the next several weeks. If auto correct and grammar checking drives you nuts, you can always individually disable a feature in settings.

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