Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Cybersecurity: This Way There Be Dragons

October 29, 2018

It's a wrap. The College of Law Practice's 2018 Futures Conference on cybersecurity, which I had the honor of co-chairing, concluded last Friday. I can't tell you how much work awaits me Monday. It was a great conference – and I want to thank President Mark Greene (who never got a break during the entire conference), Immediate Past President Bill Migneron (a constant source of support and encouragement) College Administrator Debbie O'Connell (who also never got a break and managed to keep her sanity through the madness), our marvelous photographers, Dan Pinnington and Jeff Rovner, husband/partner John Simek (who successfully kept all technology gremlins at bay), my co-chair Tim Corcoran and the entire slate of marvelous faculty and facilitators.

Now that I have served my two years a conference co-chair, I will be helping with sponsorships for next year's conference. So . . . if anyone knows that they might be interested in sponsoring, feel free to reach out to me early. And for those of you who are legal innovators, consider applying for an InnovAction Award next year.

If you are interested in learning more about the College, you can find more information here.

As for me, as I draft this on a Sunday night after relishing a Seahawks victory, I think I will retire VERY early.

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Digital Forensics/Information Security/Information Technology