Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ABA TECHSHOW 2018 Is a Wrap!

March 12, 2018

Congratulations to Co-Chairs Debbie Foster and Tom Mighell – and their Board – for putting together a rousing conference in a brand new venue. The Hyatt Regency staff were great to work with and attendees appreciated that all the educational sessions were in one area with the Expo just an escalator ride away. The Expo area is far more spacious which delighted exhibitors and attendees alike.

As always, the primary focus was on the educational sessions, which drew a lot of praise. Between us, John and I spoke at five sessions on ransomware, cyberinsurance, employee cybersecurity training, the Dark Web and the venerable closing 60 Tips session.

We also worked the concierge desk, acted as co-hosts for two Legal Talk Network podcasts and I was a podcast guest, along with my co-presenter Judy Selby, in which we were interviewed by The ABA Journal's Victor Li. We hosted a Taste of TECHSHOW dinner which involved much spirited conversation and more than a little wine – enough so that one of our guests took a post dinner nap on the bench seat of the restaurant!

All in all, a splendid time and we came home, as our Canadian and British friends would say, completely knackered. Thanks to all the ABA Law Practice Division staff and everyone else who made the conference such a success, especially the illustrious faculty.

I doff my cap to my husband/business partner John Simek who will co-chair next year's ABA TECHSHOW along with our good friend Lincoln Mead. I know they will carry the flag well.

Mark your calendars for next year's ABA TECHSHOW – February 27-March 2!

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Digital Forensics/Information Security/Information Technology