Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Going to ABA TECHSHOW®? Please Come Say Hi!

March 7, 2018

If you are heading to ABA TECHSHOW® in Chicago this week, please come say hello! Always a joy to be on the faculty – and the audiences are wonderful. I will be working the concierge booth from 9-11 on Thursday and (with John) co-hosting Legal Talk Network podcasts on the Expo floor with amazing guests like Gyi Tsakalakis, Erin Gerstenzang, Bob Ambrogi and Andrew Arruda on Thursday afternoon.

Friday I have the pleasure of lecturing with friends who are truly remarkable women in cybersecurity, Judy Selby and I will be lecturing on "Cyberinsurance: Necessary, Expensive and Confusing as Hell" in the morning. In the afternoon, Jody Westby and I will tackle "Effective Security Awareness Training for Law Firm Personnel." Both topics are hot these days.

I wish I could invite you to the Taste of TECHSHOW dinner John and I are hosting Friday night on the Dark Web, but that one has already been sold out. But make sure you go to John's Dark Web presentation with Lincoln Mead – they will take you on a LIVE tour of the Dark Web.

And miracle of miracles, while it will be cold, there is no precipitation predicted. If you'll be there, be sure to stop and thank Tom Mighell and Debbie Foster, the amazing co-chairs who (along with their Board) put together an extraordinary conference!

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Digital Forensics/Information Security/Information Technology