Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

“Open The Pod Bay Doors HAL.” What if HAL disobeys?

September 6, 2017

"2001: A Space Odyssey" may have been a portent of our future. As we now know, machines are being taught to lie. They are learning on their own. Artificially intelligent machines have created their own language which their human programmers couldn't understand. And soon, AI will (if it isn't already) make autonomous decisions – like who will live and die in a car accident – or in military conflicts.

There are a lot of legal and ethical implications in all this – and law firms are beginning to adopt AI in droves. How will AI change the practice of law? Will it replace lawyers? What is hype and what can AI actually do – today – in a law firm? And boy oh boy, have we found some mind-bending videos to show attendees.

It doesn't look like we have any choice but to "run with the machines" – and that is the theme of this year's Futures Conference of the College of Law Practice Management, to be held October 26-27 in Atlanta. The Conference is jointly sponsored by the College and the Georgia State University School of Law.

As the co-chair of the conference (along with Mark Tamminga, a fellow past ABA TECHSHOW Chair), I am happy to report that registrations have been brisk and that we have had to increase the number of hotel rooms in our room block. So if AI in law practice is a subject which interests you, take a look at the topics we will cover in Atlanta and our stellar faculty – this is always a highly interactive conference and the networking opportunities abound. You can learn more and register at http://collegeoflpm.org/meetings/2017-futures-conference/.

Hope to see you there!

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Digital Forensics/Information Security/Information Technology