Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

The Scary Side of Artificial Intelligence

August 14, 2017

CBROnline recently published a story entitled "Top 5 Scariest AI Advancements." To no one's surprise, the story featured Facebook AIs Alice and Bob, who, when left alone by researchers, developed their own language that the humans couldn't understand. This deviated from the guidelines they had been given. They were shut down. While they probably were not discussing world domination, their actions were, to say the least, disconcerting.

As the article notes, projects are underway to develop AI hackers that could be more formidable than human hackers, possibly even shutting them down. But could they be employed by nation states to hack into critical infrastructure? Another disquieting thought.

AI in warfare has worried many of us. Will the machines be allowed to decide autonomously when to take a human life?

AI learns from us – maybe including our biases. If we teach them about our history, what will AI make of human? Our own conclusions about our history aren't all that kind.

Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology have embarked on a project to create robots that can be deceptive to one another. I guess that would make them more "human" but the potential dangers of such a move are pretty scary.

The College of Law Practice Management will explore the bright and dark sides of AI in Atlanta (October 26-27) at its 2017 Futures Conference "Running with the Machines: Artificial Intelligence in the Practice of Law." You can learn more and register here.

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