Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Uncle Sam Can’t Keep His Own Secrets So Why Give Him Encryption Backdoors?

July 18, 2017

As a recent story from Wired pointed out, the federal government's claim that it needs backdoors is ludicrous given recent events. Those of us who care ardently about security have always pointed out that backdoors have a way of getting out.

Bolstering our argument, in March WikiLeaks released nearly 9000 documents exposing the CIA's hacking arsenal. The hacking group known as the Shadow Brokers began sharing purported NSA secrets last fall and on April 14th it released its biggest drop yet – a suite of hacking tools that target Windows PCs and servers. The exposed information facilitated WannaCry and Petya.

If Uncle Sam is so terrible at keeping his secrets, he certainly shouldn't be entrusted with encryption backdoors!

Hat tip to Dave Ries.

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