Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Reed Smith Releases Data Breach Notification App

June 15, 2017

On June 12th, global law firm Reed Smith announced the release of a free app to help companies apply complex state laws to basic data breach facts. The app is call Breach RespondeRS. Nearly every state in the United States has a data security breach law, requiring notice when certain personal information is lost, stolen, or misused. But the many laws differ in small but crucial respects, making it difficult to get to a bottom line. According to Reed Smith, Breach RespondeRS is the first app of its kind prompting companies to answer basic fact questions and immediately get a response as to the likelihood that notification is required. The app's release was accompanied by an animated video short showing how Breach RespondeRS can aid in both post-incident response as well as pre-incident assessment for identifying risks under different scenarios to help companies prepare accordingly.

It sounds pretty slick, though I haven't seen it in action. Assuming it works as advertised, great publicity for Reed Smith!

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