Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


July 23, 2008

Though the full Socha-Gelbmann EDD Survey has not yet been released, there is a sneak preview on the EDD Update blog at http://commonscold.typepad.com/eddupdate/2008/07/2008-socha-gelb.html.

Be mindful that this survey is largely a guide to the “whales” of the industry, and that the whales themselves provide the information upon which the results are predicated. The authors are careful to note “Anyone who makes buying decisions primarily on these rankings or any other generalized rankings is a fool.” I can’t top that statement. I certainly agree with it and commend the authors for stating the point so plainly.

Many smaller boutique firms (Sensei included) choose not to participate in this survey, some because they wish to hold their corporate data private and some because they recognize that they are essentially “little fish” who cannot compete with the whales. This in no way denigrates the quality of their services, as Mr. Socha and Gelbmann have been quick to recognize.

Still, this is a well-respected survey, as evidenced by all of our Inboxes being flooded by the whales lauding themselves in press releases citing their position within the survey! An expanded version of survey results will be published in the August edition of Law Technology News.

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