Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

27 Percent of Data Breaches Caused By Unpatched Vulnerabilities

June 19, 2019

ZDNet reported recently that security company Tripwire had found in a survey that unpatched vulnerabilities caused data breaches in 27% of organizations. The sheer volume of patches, with many vendors publishing new fixes on a monthly basis, and the need to test those patches to ensure that they don't cause other unexpected problems, means that there's often a delay in getting systems secured. That leaves a gap that hackers can exploit.

Just under half of companies said they aimed to deploy a security patch within a week, while over 90% of companies said that they would generally fix a flaw within a month. Nearly half of companies said they had to deal with less than 10 vulnerabilities a month; another 29% said they had 10-50 patches to apply every month. Four out of five companies said they had stopped using a product because of a vulnerability disclosure.

The 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack was probably the clearest example of what can go wrong when patches aren't applied; while a patch for the vulnerability exploited by the ransomware had existed for several months many organizations — notably, parts of the UK's National Health Service — had failed to install it.

I can understand a little delay – but not a lot. And the more significant the patch, the less I understand the delay. You would think that WannaCry would have given IT and security professionals religion – but apparently not.

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