Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

97% of Cybersecurity Leaders Evaluating Vendor Security, Including Law Firms

February 15, 2018

A report was issued on February 8th by Ankura and Ari Kaplan Advisors entitled "The Shifting Cybersecurity Landscape: How CISOs and Security Leaders Are Managing Evolving Global Risks to Safeguard Data." It explores the roles of CISOs (chief information security officers), the adoption of cloud technology and how entities are auditing their vendors.

97% of the respondents indicated they were evaluating vendor security, including law firms. Only 53% said they were confident in the security of their data being managed by third parties, like law firms.

Looking at cloud storage, the report found that 87 percent of respondents were using third-party cloud providers to "host non-critical information" to save money and streamline business processes. Nearly one-fifth said that moving to the cloud was spurred by using Microsoft Office 365. Now that did not surprise me – we are seeing precisely the same phenomenon.

While this was a small survey (30 cybersecurity leaders), its results seem about right for larger organizations. Sixty-seven percent of respondents were from highly regulated financial and healthcare-related industries, which would skew results towards stronger levels of security awareness. These are, after all, some of the primary targets of cybercriminals – and they've been ruthlessly attacked, with a fair measure of success.

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