Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

A Guide to the Ethics of Cloud Computing for Lawyers

June 6, 2017

It remains astonishing to us that so many lawyers fear the cloud. While we understand the desire to control your own data, as a rule, most clouds will protect law firm data better than the law firms would. By a lot! That is particularly true of solo, small and mid-sized law firms.

One of the questions we hear most often is "What does my state say about the ethics of cloud computing?" Actually, we are surprised that a number of states have not spoken on that issue, especially given the prevalence of cloud computing and attorneys' concerns about it.

One good resource comes from the ABA's Legal Technology Resource Center, which maintains a map showing you which states have spoken about the ethics of cloud computing, accompanied by a quick reference guide to those states that have spoken on the issue. Check out this page on Cloud Ethics Opinions if you are unsure about your state's position on the ethics cloud computing.

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