Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

A New Objective Electronic Discovery Resource

December 7, 2011

Our friends at Orange Legal Technologies have once again made a nice contribution to the e-discovery arena.

With the many portals, players and processes in electronic discovery, one of the biggest challenges for legal and IT professionals in furthering their knowledge is finding objective and trusted references. While no one person, organization or entity can be truly objective, one resource for electronic discovery education worth considering is the resource page from Orange Legal Technologies. Orange Legal Technologies has long provided the industry with a unique and objective eDiscovery newsletter – Unfiltered Orange, one of our favorite tools. The resource page takes the same approach taken in the newsletter and provides a variety of objective "starting points" for understanding key eDiscovery areas:

  • Electronic Discovery Association and Groups
  • Electronic Discovery Education
  • Industry Analyst Firms
  • Industry News
  • Federal and State Rules (US)
  • Selected Industry Commentators/Commentaries

In addition to these resource areas, the resource page also contains some OLT materials, includung copies of presentations presented at OLT's Intermountain eDiscovery Conferences, which occurs in Salt Lake City each fall, and where John and I (along with some other very well known eDiscovery experts) have had the pleasure of speaking.

If you have any suggested objective additions to this page, drop me an e-mail at and I'll forward it on to our friends at OLT.

E-mail: Phone: 703-359-0700

