Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ABA TECHSHOW: Where to Find Us

April 1, 2013

The problem with TECHSHOW is that it is a whirl of activity which always seems to be over right after it starts.

A number of readers have asked where they can catch up with us at TECHSHOW, so here are the things that are written in stone.

Thursday, April 4

8-10 a.m.  – We'll be working the Concierge booth. After pointing out where the bathrooms, coat check, etc. are, we can also help you sign up for a Taste of TECHSHOW dinner if you haven't already done so.

11:30  – Join us at our Meet the Author session where we'll talk about the highlights from our most recent book (gluttons for punishment, we've now written 11 books!), The 2013 Solo and Small Firm Legal Technology Guide.

4:00 – Along with my good friend Ben Schorr, I'll be presenting "Scary Tech: Cool Products and Hot Solutions for the Security-Minded Lawyer."

5:30 – Hoist a libation with us at the reception.

7:30 – we are hosting a Taste of TECHSHOW dinner at Mercat a la Planxa (just a block away and superb food).  We still have several openings so sign up when you get to the Concierge booth.

Friday April 5

10:00 – John will be presenting "Understanding Network Penetration Testing" with our brilliant young friend Chris Ries from Oracle. There will be some startling demos. Think a pineapple can't be dangerous? Think again.

3:45 – John and our long-time friend Tom O'Connor will be presenting "Text Me, Sext Me, Prove I Said It," which is an apt summary of many of our days.

Saturday, April 6

8:00 – I know it is early, but John and I are honored to be presenting a plenary session called "On the Trail of the Craigslist Killer: A Case Study in Digital Forensics." This has been an audience favorite over the past year.

Of course, we'll take our usual rambles around the Expo Hall checking out all the booths and learning what's new.

Hope to see you there!

E-mail:           Phone: 703-359-0700

