Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

AI Beats Top Lawyers at Contract Analysis

March 8, 2018

As reported in Geek.com, the accuracy score was AI – 95% and humans – 85% when AI went up against 20 experienced lawyers. Participants were given four hours to identify and highlight 30 legal issues in five standard non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

It took the humans between 51 minutes to more than 2.5 hours to complete the review of the five NDAs. It took the AI engine 26 seconds. Yeah, that's pretty much a smackdown.

This wasn't the first such contest, but it appears to have been the most evenly matched, using true lawyer experts, according to LawGeex which set up the study.

But lest you feel too badly for the humans, LawGeex noted that this technology would allow lawyers to focus only on the relevant sections of a contract pre-validated by AI. It is more efficient, no doubt of that – but the fact that it requires less lawyer time will no doubt foster some degree of apprehension from lawyers who are measured by billable hours.

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