Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Anatomy of a Law Firm Data Breach

April 3, 2012

One of my favorite sessions at ABA TECHSHOW had this title. I might be slightly prejudiced by the fact that my husband and partner, John Simek, was teaching it with our friend and co-author Dave Ries. I would be remiss if I didn't happily say that our new book, Locked Down: Information Security for Lawyers was a bestseller at the conference – we're hoping that the recent spate of law firm data breaches is really waking lawyers up to the dangers of ignoring data security.

Besides the excellent job Dave and John did at presenting some real-life scenarios involving data breaches, I loved Dave's sense of humor (the gloomy subject does benefit from lightening efforts). In the breach scenario, one law firm was named Doolittle & Billum and the other (harking back to the days of The Three Stooges) was Dewey, Cheatem and Howe.

Dave pointed out – who knew – that there is actually a Wikipedia entry for the latter firm, complete with a photo of a building in Harvard Square with the firm name visible on a third story window.

If we must think about the gloom and doom of data breaches, it was kind of cool to acquire this completely worthless (but entertaining) scrap of information about this legendary fictional firm.

You had the audience riveted John and Dave – well done chaps! Mama Nelson owes you both dinner.

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