Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Anonymous Hacks Syrian Presdient Assad's Office

February 13, 2012

So what are the consequences of using a password such as "12345?" The staffers in President Assad's office are no doubt wishing that they had paid more attention to the basic rules of creating a strong password after being hacked by Anonymous.

No one is likely to believe anything uttered by Assad anyway, but it was interesting to read the e-mails of his staffers carefully trying to prepare him for his interview with Barbara Walters. To say that they were trying to "spin" the interview in light of how it would play in American is an understatement. A total of 78 Inboxes of advisers and staff members were hacked according to press reports.

Repeat after me: I will create alphanumeric passwords of at least twelve characters.

And why? Because they take (currently) more than 17 years to crack. Hackers are going to find easier targets – so get that inviting bulls-eye off your network!

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