Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Apple Holds Master Decryption Key for the iCloud

April 10, 2012

We've been lecturing to audiences for some time that we were pretty sure that Apple holds a master decryption key for the iCloud. We based our statements on the iCloud's Terms and Conditions, in which you consent to let Apple hand over your data to law enforcement. It wouldn't be much use if it were encrypted so we figured they had a decrypt key.

Now we know for sure. Ars Technica recently reported that our suspicion was true. As we keep preaching, stop and read those Terms and Conditions. In this case, they say that Apple can "access, use, preserve and/or disclose your Account information and Content to law enforcement authorities" whenever required or permitted by law.

You may want to rethink storing your data in the iCloud – or in many other clouds as well, since most of them have similiar language. From a security standpoint, "the cloud" is not a friendly place.

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