Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

AVVO Settles New York Probe, Will No Longer Call Its Ratings “Unbiased”

October 1, 2018

There are many of us who have railed against AVVO's bogus attorney rating system, which could be artificially pumped up by anyone who could Google "How to Improve Your AVVO Rating." The ratings were inherently deceptive and prone to manipulation, some of it actively encouraged by AVVO itself.

So I was delighted when Reuters reported that New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood said that Avvo had agreed, following a probe by her office, to reform its rating system and improve disclosures after the probe revealed shortcomings in how it presented information to consumers seeking to hire lawyers. Specifically, it will no longer call its ratings "unbiased."

She also said Avvo was now "clearly and conspicuously" telling users that its ratings, on a 1 to 10 scale, rely on information that lawyers provide, meaning that lawyers who share their resumes or work experiences tend to rate higher than those who do not.

The attorney general said Avvo also agreed to remove ratings for lawyers who do not actively participate in its directory, and will ensure that forms it posts for consumers are first reviewed by qualified, licensed lawyers in New York.

Avvo will also pay $50,000 to cover costs. In a statement, Avvo said it was committed to providing "timely, accurate information" to help people find lawyers, and the changes reflected its "commitment to pro-consumer practices and improving the accessibility of the legal community."

As many folks know, AVVO was purchased earlier this year by Internet Brands – cheers to that company for reforming AVVO's much-maligned ratings system.

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