Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


March 30, 2009

As I prepare to head for ABA TECHSHOW this Wednesday, I thought it might be helpful to list some of our newest titles, so you have a chance to use the $10 book coupon that all attendees will receive when they check in. LPM Publishing will have two booths, one in the Exhibition Hall and one in the Educational Sessions area.

Make sure you check out these titles:

The Busy Lawyer's Guide to Success: Essential Tips to Power Your Practice, by Dan Pinnington and Reid Trautz

The Lawyer's Guide to Practice Management Systems Software, 2nd Edition by Andrew Z. Adkins, III

The Lawyer's Guide to Governing Your Firm by Arthur G. Greene

The 2009 Solo and Small Firm Legal Technology Guide by Sharon D. Nelson, John W. Simek and Michael C. Maschke

The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Excel 2007 by John C. Tredennick

Winning Alternatives to the Billable Hour by Mark A. Robertson and James A. Calloway

The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007 by Ben M. Schorr

The Lawyer's Guide to Concordance by Liz M. Weiman

The Lawyer's Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell

These are just a sampling of the many great titles that will be there. There will also be a pre-order form for my new book, How Good Lawyers Survive Bad Times, by Sharon D. Nelson, James A. Calloway and Ross L. Kodner.

If you're not going to ABA TECHSHOW, no worries. All of these books can be ordered directly from the ABA here.

Happy reading!

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