Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


January 27, 2009

Regretfully, we are no longer in South Carolina. Our travels took us to Myrtle Beach and our beloved Charleston, where we heartily recommend Planters Inn as a charming, affordable, centrally-located hotel and its Peninsula Restaurant for a wonderful meal. They make a Southern Manhattan of which I became inordinately fond. Dismal that I no longer have good looking men in uniform serving me these wonderful libations on a nightly basis.

Should you get to Charleston and have a car, make sure you visit the magnificnent Magnolia Plantation, with splendid trails and gardens, a wonderful tram ride with very knowledgeable guides (if you're lucky, you'll see one of the dominant pond alligators like Bubba or Big Wally) and a splendid boat ride on the Ashley River. A young Orson Welles, using a cane as an affectation (at 19!), loved this place so much that he came two summers in a row.

We did encounter an alligator (7-1/2) feet long, sunning himself right beside the trail on the bank of a pond. The tram driver somehow managed to stop us such that the alligator was positioned with his snout aiming right at me by the OPEN tram. Though not normally the most agile of creatures, I was prepared to bound for the tram's roof if the alligator so much as twitched. Fortunately, he was beguiled by the sun and I emerged unscathed from my adventure.

Surely this post is connected to electronic evidence somehow. Ah yes, we went to South Carolina to speak at the state bar's annual conference. As always, we had a warm, wonderful. inquisitive audience, mostly comprised of solo/small firm lawyers. Roughly 40% of them had handled electronic evidence cases, but it was quite clear that many of them still felt uncomfortable in the EDD world.

There were lots of practice specific questions, especially with respect to family law. If you should practice in this area, do try to attend a CLE that specifically deals with "Electronic Evidence in Family Law" – the generic e-evidence CLEs tend not to do justice to the many elements of EDD that are specific to family law.

Still mourning the absence of a Southern Manhattan – I will have to console myself with having my obliging husband make me a "Mommy Martini" – we are still not sure whether that concoction is named in my honor or as a nod to the size of the drink. No matter, another trip to Charleston is sure to beckon. As it is nearing the end of the day, solace is almost at hand. Cheers.

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