Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Chinese Cyberattack on White House Network Confirmed

October 3, 2012

Door rattlings are not ununsual anywhere in the federal government and clearly the White House is a prime target for those who want government data. But it sure was interesting to hear that the White House confirmed a recent breach in the White House Military Office.

Keeping things in perspective, it was a minor breach of unclassified data and quickly shut down. All the same, it underscores the need for constant vigilance. The attack involved spear phishing, sending a malware-laden attachment with the purported sender being someone the recipient might know.

While the incident may have been minor, any breach at the White House causes concern. Classified informatiuon is handled with tighter security, traveling on encrypted networks that are closed-circuit to the outside world with the encryption changing randomly.

A major breach is, sadly, just a matter of time. This particular attack was relatively unsophisticated but I don't think anyone in the White House underestimates the capabilities of Chinese hackers. Hence, the continued effort by the government to populate its cybersecurity ranks with highly-skilled specialists.

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