Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

ComplexDiscovery Offers Survey of Predictive Coding Vendors

February 19, 2013

ComplexDiscovery has provided a valuable resource in the Predictive Coding and Providers: A 120-Second Survey. The results are a work in progress as vendors may continue to participate. The goal of the survey is to provide a quick, non-comprehensive overview of the use of the technology-assisted review feature of predictive coding among leading eDiscovery providers as represented by those providers. The areas covered in the short survey include:

  • Technology Development
    (Developed Internally, Licensed Externally or Hybrid Development)
  • Technology Partners
    (Content Analyst, Equivio, OrcaTec, Recommind or Other)
  • Offering Integration
    (Architectural Integration, Process Integration or Other)
  • Machine Learning
    Approach (Supervised Learning, Active Learning or Other)
  • Statistical Sampling
    Approach (Random, Judgmental or Other)

It is always important to reiterate that this information comes from the providers themselves, so take it with a grain of salt where warranted.

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