Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Craig Ball on "Brainless Blunders in E-Discovery Searches"

April 23, 2012

Legal Talk Network has released the latest edition of our Digital Detectives podcast, entitled "Brainless Blunders in E-Discovery Searches.” Our longtime and dear friend Craig Ball will be known to many readers as a lawyer and extraordinary digital forensic technologist who is also legendary for his knowledgeable and witty writings and presentations on e-discovery topics.

Craig talks about all the idiotic mistakes that are made with respect to e-discovery searching. As he notes, recall and precision are often mortal enemies in e-discovery. He also talks about the Myth of the Omnibus Search and the foolishness of regarding data as documents rather than as data. The stupid searching mistakes that lawyers make are many and varied and I wouldn't deprive you of the fun of listening to Craig by listing them.

Craig’s ability to educate and entertain at the same time is unparalleled. Where else can you learn about e-discovery searching while hearing about biker buddies, smashed china, M&Ms and Van Halen? You always learn a lot and laugh a lot when listening to Craig. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording the podcast.

Please ignore the reference to "S&M" – Craig's filter slipped. We blame it on the M&Ms. 🙂

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