Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Craig Ball on Drafting Digital Forensic Examination Protocols

August 29, 2018

Our inimitable friend Craig Ball has once again published a remarkable blog post which should be required reading for digital forensic examiners and their clients. Drafting Digital Forensic Examination Protocols is a tremendous contribution of Craig's vast experience with such protocols.

As always, it is engagingly written. There is a treasure trove of "exemplar language" from which to draw up protocols.

This is a somewhat lengthy read, but worth every minute of your time. As I was reading it, I shook my head in disbelief as Craig covered many of the questions we are most commonly asked by clients and by CLE attendees.

To give you just a snippet of the post's wisdom, I offer up Craig's conclusion:

"Crafting a forensic examination protocol demands more than finding a good form to filch. It requires a clear sense of about what you seek to accomplish through an examination and the ability to express those goals with enough technical specificity to guide a diligent examiner to the artifacts that will answer your questions. There's often a tension between one side's wish to rein the examiner in and the others' to turn the examiner loose. A good protocol balances the two and affords the examiner just enough discretion to follow the electronic evidence and let it tell its tale."

I could not have said it better. Bravo Craig!

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Digital Forensics/Information Security/Information Technology