Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

DAC Beachcroft Launches Data Breach Virtual Crisis Room

June 18, 2019

On June 10th, Reinsurance News reported that international law firm DAC Breachcroft had launched a secure, virtual crisis room that enables businesses to communicate and share information confidentially in the aftermath of a cyber attack or data breach. Developed in partnership with British technology firm Pushfor, the DACB Situation Room combines secure instant messaging and document sharing within a confidential environment.

“Following a cyber incident, businesses often face the challenge of relying on the very systems that have been compromised or disrupted to co-ordinate and communicate their response,” said Hans Allnutt, partner and head of Cyber & Data Risk at DAC Beachcroft.

“Using this innovative content-sharing platform, we can overcome this challenge by creating a highly secure, virtual crisis room for a client’s incident team that sits outside its compromised infrastructure.” No information is actually sent as part of the new service, which instead projects onto a recipient’s device, removing the risk of further data leakage, and protecting against screenshots and downloads.

“We know that a successful response hinges on effective internal communications and information sharing,” Allnutt said. “The DACB Situation Room provides us with a state-of-the-art capability to protect our clients against further risk and reputational damage.”

We are seeing more and more law firms beginning to develop cyber incident hot lines – and this, of course, takes it to the next level. Betting that it carries a hefty price tag that some clients will willingly pay.

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