Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

EDD Companies Let Out Their Inner Steven Spielberg on YouTube

January 21, 2010

The first EDD company video I remember seeing was one by Rob Robinson when he was working for Orange Legal Technologies. It was a little goofy, but fun, and I had to delight in Rob's passion for pushing the edge of the marketing envelope.

These days, computer forensics and e-discovery videos are all over YouTube and corporate websites. They range from the stupifyingly boring to mildly amusing to informative and imaginative to "what were they thinking?" Some of the production values are excellent and some are homemade disasters captured for all eternity on video.

If you haven't taken a spin around the EDD world on YouTube, just do a search for the obvious suspects.

Here at Sensei, I was a Doubting Thomas until last year. What finally persuaded me was the fact that YouTube is now the second most used search engine. Why would anyone NOT be there? Moreover, the costs had come down signficantly while the production values had gone up. So I put my big toe in the water and made a promotional computer forensics video simply capitalizing on the CSI appeal of CF.

I'll tell you flatly that the UVA student videographer we used (he's now a sub-contractor for Sensei) beats the pants off of many of the so-called professionals who charge a king's ransom for humdrum products. For anyone who wants to hire someone to produce these videos, caveat emptor is sound advice.

Recently, we decided to make 14 computer forensics FAQ videos, designed to answer briefly some of the questions we most commonly hear with a closing screen showing our contact information for further information. They are not even finalized yet (I'll post a link when they are), and yet they have already generated phone calls in less than 24 hours.

Was I surprised? Yup. As Gomer Pyle used to say, "Shazaam!" But I like it. 🙂

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