Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Facebook Tracking Litigation to be Featured on Digital Detectives

July 17, 2012

As many readers are no doubt aware, there is a class action lawsuit against Facebook for using browser cookies to track users even when they were logged out of Facebook. According to Facebook, this practice has been discontinued.

When John and I spoke on digital forensics at a recent conference in Delaware, I was delighted to meet David Straite of Stewarts Law (headquartered in London) who is the co-lead counsel in the Facebook litigation. David has kindly agreed to be a guest on our Legal Talk Network Digital Detectives podcast, which should be up by next week.

MIT's Technology Review recently published an article highlighting David's work, calling him something of a pioneer in the area of Internet privacy. It should be a fascinating conversation – I'll be sure to write a post when the podcast is released by Legal Talk Network – and a shout-out to LTN for always being willing to address controversial issues!

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