Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

FBI Makes Bust in Chilling Los Angeles Sextortion Case

November 3, 2010

The FBI has just updated its site to include a story about a chilling case in Los Angeles involving the "sextortion" of over 230 young girls (and more victimes may be discovered). The 31-year-old California hacker, who was arrested in June, used malware to control the computers of his victims. He then searched their computers for compromising photos and used the images to demand more photos and videos from the victims.

Using spear phishing techniques and a social media site (not identified in the story), the hacker targeted his victims, sometimes appearing to them as a trusted friend or sister with a link to a scary video – when they clicked on that link, the spyware installed itself.

John and I lecture on Internet safety for children and teens and have a closet full of horror stories. Both parents and children need to be constantly aware of how hackers and predators operate – and TALK with one another. Our fear is that social media vulnerabilities will enhance opportunities for these criminals. Technology is both friend and foe.

In the meantime, we doff our cap to the excellent work of the FBI's cyber squad!

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