Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


April 23, 2008

No, I am not being a slacker. In fact, I’m in London with John interviewing computer forensics experts for an article for the ABA. Though there is lots to say (when I’m back home), I thought it amusing that the first thing I heard from our British colleagues was that "forensic computing" is definitely the ‘right’ term and that "computer forensics" is – well – entirely incorrect. Forensic, they tell me in a patient tone, is an adjective. When I queried, "So do the Yanks have it wrong again?," there was a grave nod and the words "’fraid so." Two countries separated by a common language, yet again!

Quite on another subject, John and I were greatly amused to hear yesterday that a gentleman was subject to a jail term of up to two years because he was a repeat offender whose "wheely-bin" (trash can) was open a full six inches. Well, there you go. England is serious about crime.

Forevermore in our lives, garbage cans will be "wheely-bins" and the very words will make us chuckle.

For now, time to "top up our Oyster" (look it up) and then get home to an expensive room the size of a broom closet and sleep on our twin beds. It’s been years since I had a dorm room. Now I remember why. 🙂

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