Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


September 14, 2009

Thanks to our friend and colleague Ben Stevens for putting up a post today on The Mac Lawyer blog in response to John's previous post on Ride the Lightning about the insecurity of the iPhone. I've reprinted Ben's post below with his kind permission:

"The words iPhone and security do not belong in the same sentence…"  So begins the article from John Simek, one of the premier computer forensic experts in the country.  It gets worse, as he says, "The iPhone encryption is a non-starter and accessing the device is child’s play even if it is password protected."  He concludes by saying "I love the iPhone. Not because of its technical superiority, but because its design gives us access to more electronic evidence than any other phone we’ve ever seen."

I know John and we have actually given presenations together at CLE seminars in the past.  He and I have discussed these alleged iPhone security flaws in the past, and I will be the first to say that I am far from an expert on these issues and I must defer to John's expertise.  Of course, as my readers now, I have an iPhone 3G-S and I love it.  However, I do not store any confidential or client data on it out of an abundance of caution.

John offered to print any responses from any IT / security folks and/or from Apple, and I will be glad to do the same here at The Mac Lawyer."

I think Ben's abundance of caution is wise. As I told Ben in an e-mail, I have been somewhat surprised, especially with the viral videos demonstrating the iPhone's insecurity, that Apple has failed to respond to anyone about the problems.

Both Ben and I would be happy to publish a response from Apple. Thus far, the silence has been deafening.

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