Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

How Good is an E-Discovery Conference That Allows Paid Speaker Slots?

May 13, 2010

I should probably have subtitled this "Sharon's Rant." Today, yet again, I received an e-mail from a major e-discovery conference organizer advising me that the conference has a $5000 sponsorship/speaker slot currently available for $3500. Shocker.

You would have to SEE the smoke that comes from my ears to understand how angry these e-mails make me. Speaking slots at e-discovery conference are commonly "for sale."  Do you think vendors buy these slots so that they will NOT sell themselves? Audiences have long complained about conferences where the speakers are shilling their services.

E-discovery conferences should be for teaching by qualified speakers. "Paying up" does not a qualified speaker make. Good speakers not only do not pay, but they are always reimbursed for expenses, and often given honorariums. Why? Because they have a proven track record of teaching, not seilling, and they are well known for their ability to communicate their knowledge to audiences. They get good evaluations. They provide quality written materials. They teach with a passion for what they do.

I understand that conferences need to support themselves. Exhibiting and sponsoring are good ways to do that. But I resist the idea of "selling" speaking slots to those who are willing to pony up. Part of my enormous love for ABA TECHSHOW is its devotion to pure education. Exhibitors (who are greatly valued) may also purchase separate teaching sessions, but they are clearly labeled as vendor sessions. They can be incredibly useful if you own a particular product or are exploring possible new tech solutions, but they are not CLE. The conference CLE sessions are carefully selected to be taught by neutral presenters. A presenter who sells is never invited back.

Buying speaking slots is bad business for conferences and audiences alike. No one wins.

Rant over. *carefully stepping off soapbox*

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