Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


July 20, 2009

Today I exert a blogger's privilege of departing from the primary subject in order to let readers know that my new book, How Good Lawyers Survive Bad Times, is now available for pre-order from the American Bar Association.

Written with renowned legal technologist Ross Kodner and Oklahoma's noted law practice management advisor Jim Calloway, the book offer suggestions for those who have lost their jobs, are afraid of losing their jobs or are trying to navigate their law firms through the harrowing economic waters.

We offer financial, marketing, management and legal technology tips – there is, we hope, something useful for lawyers in every conceivable situation.

As of July 5th, the Layoff Tracker on Law Shucks reported that 12,820 people have been laid off at major law firms, including 4,985 lawyers and 7,844 staff since January of 2008.

It's not pretty out there – and no one is predicting a dramatic turnaround. We hope you'll find practical advice in our new book. Wishing all lawyers calm seas and fair winds . . .

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