Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

How Lawyers Make Themselves Invaluable to Their Firms: They Learn E-Discovery

March 23, 2010

John and I lectured to the New York City Bar Association last week. New York law firms were decimated last year by the economy and they are still in retrenchment mode. Our hosts had asked us to answer this question in our presentation: "What could I do that would give me job security?"

We gave a lot of possible answers, but as John and I deliberated about the MOST significant answer, we chose "learn e-discovery" as our #1 answer. Why?

We have found very few law firm partners that have significant e-discovery expertise. Most are reliant on associates and paralegals. Even among the associates, we have seen only an handful with true expertise. Given that ESI is ubiquitous, it is stunning that the percentage of those with a deep understanding of e-discovery is so woefully low.

Whether you are an associate or a paralegal, if you understand the law, the rules, the cases and the process of e-discovery, you are very likely to be seen as indispensable. If you know how to select good vendors and how to talk their talk and pierce the inevitable sales talk, you will help to place your firm's e-discovery in good hands. If you understand how to contain costs in EDD, you will be beloved of your firm and your clients.

There's no magic potion for making yourself bullet-proof in a law firm - but this is as close as it gets.

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