Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Interested in Sponsoring Our "Digital Detectives" Podcast on Legal Talk Network?

June 2, 2011

For the past year, John and I have hosted the Digital Detectives podcast on Legal Talk Network. We discuss computer forensics, e-discovery and information security, often featuring distinguished guests in those fields. We get thousands of downloads each month – and you know that your ad will be listened to since people go to the trouble to download the podcast.

Applied Discovery has kindly sponsored us during the past year, but we are now in search of a new sponsor. If you'd like to explore this marketing opportunity, please contact LTN's President Lu Ann Reeb at legaltalknetwork.com or 781-551-9960. If you know someone you think might be interested, please pass this post along – and thanks!

E-mail:        Phone: 703-359-0700

