Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Is it the Year of the Deleted Text Message?

August 30, 2010

Is it the year of the deleted text message as suggested in John's note below? Oh yeah, in a very big way.  Consider that Sensei has quite a few computer forensics videos posted on YouTube. Our video on recovering deleted text messages has received more than 14,000 views. Our second most-watched video has less than 500 views.

My Inbox is further confirmation that this is indeed the year of the deleted text message. We receive an average of two inquiries on this subject every day.

Here's a portion of what John wrote in response to my previous post about the tsunami of cell phones arriving in our computer forensics lab . . .

This is the most encouraging thing I've read all week!  My forensics firm specializes in mobile. And yes there's been an uptick this summer. It is shaping up to be the year of the deleted text message.
John J. Carney, Esq.
Carney Forensics
1442 Osceola Avenue
Saint Paul, MN  55105

John also inquired about the source of all of our cases involving the theft of proprietary data. Business and IP law firms are the primary source, as well as those that handle general civil litigation. Also, in this arena, we are frequently contacted directly by corporate counsel, who may wish to conduct an internal investigation before determininng whether to take legal action. Hope this helps John.

And for those of you numbing your thumbs and creating those golden nuggets of evidence on smartphones, please keep it up!

E-mail: Phone: 703-359-0700

