Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Jason Baron Leads eDiscovery Daily Blog's Holiday Thought Leader Series

December 15, 2011

We've been interviewed by Jason Krause many times and were delighted to see that he is doing a Holiday Thought Leader series related to e-discovery. We are even more delighted to be separately featured in upcoming posts. I was amused by Jason asking how John and I manage to work together and live together. As many times as I've been asked that question, I gather not many husbands and wives could do that. 🙂

We were tickled to see our friend Jason Baron appear as the first thought leader interviewed in the eDiscovery Daily blog post yesterday. Jason was once kind enough to give us a personal tour of the National Archives and join us for lunch – a fond memory indeed.

His interview soundly states what those who have followed him know to be true - that he is one of Malcolm Gladwell's "outliers." In a world where so much evidence is "born digital" as Jason puts it, he is certainly correct that litigators need to understand both information management and e-discovery. As the acknowledged King of Search, I was pleased to see his optimism about how we may exert some control over our data through new search tools and methodologies.

Jason also offers his thoughts about e-discovery certifications and whether e-discovery would benefit from having its own ISO standards for quality. A good read from one of e-discovery's most noted visionaries.

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