Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Keeping 'Em Honest: Mobile Phone Apps and Security

December 2, 2010

The crew at viaForensics is doing a good Anderson Cooper style job of "keeping 'em honest." Mobile apps are coming out so fast that our heads are spinning – and we are often quick to adopt them without vetting their security.

I'm always pleased to get a note from Andrew Hoog, the Chief Investigative Officer at viaForensics – here's what he wrote:

Here's our latest appWatchdog findings:

All results: http://viaforensics.com/appwatchdog/
Recent findings: http://viaforensics.com/appwatchdog/appwatchdog-findings-2010-11-29.html

4 apps are storing passwords in plain text…every app stores user name and app data.

It's always worthwhile to check appWatchdogs – before we emulate the lemmings stampeding off the cliff, it is wise to consider whether we may be inviting data theft. The fact that you CAN download something doesn't mean you SHOULD.


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