Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Litigation Holds: Do You Need an 18-wheeler or a Scooter?

March 16, 2010

My friend Brett Burney wrote an interesting column for Law Technology News about legal holds, specifically focusing on legal hold software from PSS Systems, which offers a product called Atlas Suite.

Brett, as always, is refreshingly candid. He likes this product, but acknowledges that this is a "big company" product. Atlas is overkill for small and medium sized entities, which can manage legal holds with far less expensive software - or no software at all.

The Atlas product looks impressive and complex – be sure to read the article for full details. Except of course for pricing, which I couldn't easily find on the website either. This always makes me suspect that the price is exorbitant . . .

Still, if Brett gives it a good review, it is well worth looking into for those companies with thousands of employees. As Brett points out, implementing a successful legal hold is like lassoing a squirrel in a herd of cattle. Nice imagery Brett – and accurate.

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