Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Logikcull: Test Driving a New E-Discovery Tool – and Liking It!

October 1, 2012

John and I have been friends with the folks at Logik for several years. They are a bright, witty and imaginative group. So we were delighted when Todd Eastman came to our office to give us a tour of Logikcull, their new e-discovery software which was recently introduced at ILTA.

The software is easy and intuitive to use. Users can upload their own data or send it to Logik to upload. With one click, the data is uploaded and processed. You'll receive an e-mail notification when the processing is complete. Now you're ready to search, view, tag, share, comment or download from anywhere you have an Internet connection. Let's hear it for mobility and 256-bit bank level encryption!

The genius here is in the simplicity of the software. You don't need to be a technical genius to drive this software. They are continuing to add features, but what we saw was already very impressive. You can use it for document archiving, document review (not mega-cases but great for more modest reviews), small or large scale OCR, PDFing documents, document sharing and collaboration in e-rooms.

And yes, it will work on the iPhone and the iPad.

The pricing is plainly stated on the website, so you'll know what you're getting into. We love transparent pricing.

There's a free trial, so take your own test drive – we think you'll be pleased with the ease of use. We're always happy to see a tool that is modestly priced and works for small to mid cases, where the need for such tools is so great. Nice job Logik!

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