Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Mailbag: E-Discovery Education for Lawyers

August 16, 2011

Last week's blog post about educating solo and small firm lawyers about e-discovery drew a couple of thoughtful responses. One was from Chere Estrin the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Organization of Legal Professional (OLP). She wrote:

"In response to your blog this morning, OLP has several online, live courses that are excellent training classes for attorneys in small firms. The non-profit association provides six week courses that meet online via webcam twice a week. Classes are recorded in the event you've missed one. The courses are taught by experienced, top eDiscovery experts and include homework, quizzes and a final exam.

The courses are modest in tuition and have received excellent views. Just a few of the courses are eDiscovery 101A; Advanced eDiscovery; eDiscovery: the EDRM process; International eDiscovery; Project Management and Litigation Support 101A and Advanced. We also offer scholarships. Students take the live courses right from their desks and can participate in the classroom setting. For more information, please go to www.theolp.org."

I have heard good things about these courses so I thought her note was worth posting for those who might be seeking a reputable source of e-discovery education.

I also had a note from John Riley, a professor at Bloomsberg University, who wrote:

"Dear Ms. Nelson,

I find your blogs informative.The most recent one, “Solo and Small Firm Lawyers …”, reminded me of a presentation at the ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law 2011 held earlier this summer. If you would like some data to back up your sense that lawyers need better training in e-discovery (or digital evidence), you should look up Digital Forensics and the Law by Murff, Gardenier, and Gardenier in the Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security, and Law 2011."

I looked for the paper, which apparently costs money to access, but John was kind enough to send me a link to the presentation which you may find here.

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