Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Making E-Discovery Costs More Transparent and Predictable

December 20, 2011

Sensei Enterprises is certainly not alone in the world of e-discovery trying to make its pricing more transparent and predictable. Here is our recent press release talking about how we approached it:

FAIRFAX, Va., Dec. 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Sensei Enterprises, Inc. has announced implementation of a new pricing structure for computer forensic and e-discovery services. The new tiered and flat-fee pricing model provides clients with a total-cost estimate at the beginning stages of a project and throughout its life-cycle. It also allows clients to have complete control over the costs – choosing the services which best suit their needs.

Sharon Nelson, President of Sensei Enterprises, observed, "Pricing in this industry is very problematic. Clients may not know whether they are being quoted low prices by someone who really isn't going to provide a high caliber of service. They may also not know if the initial low quote is going to escalate dramatically, as it so often does. Our new pricing model and estimator allows the client to see precisely what the cost would be for the known scope at the outset of a case – and if the scope changes, the client will know precisely what the additional costs will be. Transparency is the key feature of our new pricing structure and I commend our staff of technologists for coming up with a pricing structure that reflects Sensei's reputation for integrity."

Free quotes may be obtained from Director of Computer Forensics Jesse Lindmar, who may be reached at 703-359-0700 or .

I actually gave considerable thought to the quote. I remain frustrated by those in the industry who charge prices which bear no relation to the work involved and equally frustrated by those who underbid knowing one of two things – they will either ratchet up the prices as they go along or they will not provide all of the services truly required by the case. Saving money by hiring an unqualified, sloppy or profit-driven "expert" certainly doesn't save money in the end.

We have commiserated with other colleagues about clients who willingly pay 500% of value and those who just plain get snookered. I don't know that there is a solution, but more and more I am seeing colleagues I respect doing what we have done to educate clients and give them some sense that they can truly control their budget for e-discovery without ever being suprised by costs which suddenly spiral out of control without their knowledge.

I was very pleased when noted author and e-discovery expert Michael Arkfeld happened to see the press release and took the time to write me saying, "Great idea – the marketplace needs this." We agree and hope those who have not yet followed suit will soon do so.

E-mail: Phone: 703-359-0700

