Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Malicious Botnets Account for 40% of Global Login Attempts

February 28, 2018

As Computer Business Review reported on February 20th, malicious bots were responsible for 40% of global login attempts in the fourth quarter of 2017. Also, according to the Q4 2017 Akamai State of The Internet / Security Report, a growing trend of attackers are installing crypto mining programs onto their targets, a process made easier by the widespread Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities

Martin McKeay, senior security advocate and senior editor of the report, said "Crypto mining offers attackers the most direct avenue to monetize efforts by putting money immediately into their cryptowallets."

The industry hit hardest by fraudulent credential attacks was found to be hospitality, with 82 percent of login attempts in this space proving malicious. Another important finding from the report was a spike in DDoS attacks on the financial services industry.

As ever, the criminals are outpacing the good guys.

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