Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Many IT Pros Are NOT Encrypting Customer Data

February 2, 2012

CRN recently reported on a Ponemon Institute Study which revealed that a majority of IT pros from companies whose data was lost or stolen said the information was not encrypted.

The information included credit card numbers, bank payment information and social security numbers. Not good. The cause of the breaches? A negligent insider was #1, outsourcing to a third party was #2 and a malicious insider was #3.

Fully 60% of the IT pros said that the lost data was unencrypted. Even more than 60% said their company increased their information security budget after the breach. Given the potential liability, increasing that budget before the breach might have been a better choice.

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