Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

New Book: Electronic Discovery for Small Cases

May 29, 2012

My friends and e-discovery colleagues Bruce Olson and Tom O'Connor have written a marvelous new book entitled Electronic Discovery for Small Cases. They are, as many readers will know, both e-discovery veterans. Bruce is the President of ONLAW Trial Technologies, LLC, which offers computer forensics, e-discovery and trial presentation services. Tom O'Connor is the Director of Professional Services for e-discovery firm Avansic and, like Bruce, he is a nationally known consultant, speaker and writer on e-discovery subjects.

Why do I call this book "marvelous?" Because attorneys with small cases have been confounded by e-discovery and how to handle it. In this book, which will only take you an hour or two to read, you get an incredibly helpful overview of the products that are out there to help you with small cases. Need to collect evidence, review it, store it in the cloud, produce it and present it in court? There are affordable products for all of these functions and the authors take you through them one by one.

Very helpful indeed are all the screenshots, which allow you to see not only what the product can do but give you the sense that, "Hey, I can do that." Prices are clearly stated along with the capabilities (and limitations) of each product. If you are an attorney with "garden variety" cases involving e-discovery, this book is indispensable.

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