Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Apr 19, 2012

Can You Wear a White Hat and Be a Zero-Day Exploit Millionaire?

Hat tip to friend and co-author Dave Ries, who reminded me after reading yesterday's post that you can be "into"

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Apr 18, 2012

How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Zero-Day Exploit?

I guess I knew that zero day exploits were for sale, but now I'm thinking about taking up a new career.

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Apr 17, 2012

What Your Will Should Say About Your Digital Assets

For those of you who have wills, it is my guess that virtually none of them reference digital assets. Until

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Apr 16, 2012

Maryland Bans Employers From Asking For Social Media Passwords

The Baltimore Sun reported last week that Maryland has become the first state in the nation to pass legislation prohibiting

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Apr 12, 2012

Technology-Assisted Review Hits Contract Lawyers

Whether you call it technology-assisted review, predictive coding, or any one of its zillion names, we have been predicting that contract

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Apr 11, 2012

The Digital Trail to the Craigslist Killer

Thanks to pal Tina Ayiotis for forwarding this story. We all watched the hunt for the Criaigslist killer in 2009,

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Apr 10, 2012

Apple Holds Master Decryption Key for the iCloud

We've been lecturing to audiences for some time that we were pretty sure that Apple holds a master decryption key

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Apr 09, 2012

Medicaid Hacked: Over 181,000 Records Breached

ZDNet has reported that the Utah Department of Technology Services (DTS) notified the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) last week that

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Apr 05, 2012

ABA TECHSHOW: Expo Hall Highlights

Honestly, I wish I could write about all the vendors – they were warm and welcoming. But my own duties

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Apr 04, 2012

Google and Apple – How They Help Police Bypass Smartphone Lock Screens

A CNET article published yesterday further expands on a subject I've been following closely – how law enforcement is bypassing

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Apr 03, 2012

Anatomy of a Law Firm Data Breach

One of my favorite sessions at ABA TECHSHOW had this title. I might be slightly prejudiced by the fact that

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Apr 02, 2012

Law Enforcement Routinely Tracks Cell Phones

As my granddaughter Samantha would say, "Uh-oh." Many of us assumed that the tracking of cell phones was done primarily

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