Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Pentagon Approves Android Phone for DOD – Still Wary of iPhones

December 29, 2011

It looks like the Pentagon is moving away from BlackBerrys (duh) and embracing the Android. It was reported that the only phone which currently meets security requirements is the Dell Venue. In a recent Security Technical Implementation Guide, the DoD stated that acceptable devices must be running Android 2.2 and have the Android Market stripped from its core.

Web browsing must be done through a DoD proxy server and classified information cannot be sent, received or accessed by the phones.

The Defense Information Systems Agency is testing iPhones and iPads but due to Apple's insistence on controlling its ecosystem, they have not been approved. Installing DoD third-party security was reportedly difficult. Also, government officials indicated that they were uncomfortable with Apple's ability to track users' locations.

Perhaps military intelligence is not an oxymoron after all.

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