Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Pizza party supporting the eDiscovery Institute on November 12

November 2, 2009

A guest post submitted by Joe Howie on behalf of the eDiscovery Institute:

"I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and thought you might want to blog about the upcoming 5th Annual Pizza After Party in support of the eDiscovery Institute to be held in two weeks – Nov. 12, following that day’s activities at the Georgetown University Law Center Advanced eDiscovery Institute CLE.

The Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization doing some important work in researching solutions to problems with ediscovery processing and costs, and the Pizza After Dinner in a fund-raiser in support of their mission. Lawyers who seriously want to find and/or validate e-discovery processing and review alternatives should be supporting the Institute. If they’re looking for a way to do more than continue debating the concept of improved ways of handling e-discovery and actually fund an organization that is doing research and providing metrics on benefits of different techniques, this is their opportunity.

It’s a great opportunity to interact and mingle with some of the leading e-discovery jurists, lawyers and providers. Last year’s party drew 150 participants, and it looks like this years party will have an even larger crowd.

This year’s sponsors include: Alix Partners, Aphelion Legal, BIA, Crowell Mooring, Encore Discovery, Epiq Systems, Guidance Software, Integreon Discovery Solutions, Jurinnov, Kroll OnTrack, Mayer Brown, Peak Discovery, Precision Discovery, Recommind, RenewData/Digital Mandate, Shook Hardy & Bacon, TCDI, UHY Advisors, and Winston & Strawn.

For ticket information, contact one of the above sponsors or email "

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