Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.


September 29, 2009

According to a report in The Washington Times, employee misconduct investigations, often involving porn surfing, have overwhelmed the National Science Foundation (NSF). The problems are reportedly so extensive that they have caused the agency's inspector general to cut back on the watchdog's primary mission of investigating grant fraud and recovering taxpayer dollars.

One senior official apparently spent 331 days looking at porn sites and chatting with nude or partially clad women, all without being detected. One does want to ask HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE in a day when it is relatively easy for employers to block websites in many categories with fairly inexpensive software.

From the theater of the absurd, this official offered a humanitarian defense when he was caught. He said he visited the porn sites to help poor women overseas make a living. I am sure that was uppermost in mind. Nonetheless, he gets points for originality - of all the nutty excuses I've heard, that one is a first.

The official has since retired. Good plan sir.

Hey NSF – if your guys can't figure out how to lock down your systems, give us call. Apparently, at the rate your guys are watching porn, our fees would start saving you money in about a week. Not a bad return on investment.

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