Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Enters Contract Lawyering Market

October 18, 2017

Legal Business reported on October 12th that PricewaterhouseCoopers is launching a new service called Flexible Legal Resources. Contract lawyering services have so far been dominated by firms like Axiom and Lawyers On Demand, but that may be changing.

Flexible Legal Resources will initially focus on the financial services sector but PwC's pool of contract lawyers will eventually cover clients from all sectors providing support work for corporate, commercial and data protection.

Corporate partner Peter Workman, who is heading up the project with PwC's chief operating officer for start-up and technology businesses, Ann-Marie Botha, said two things differentiated the product in a crowded marketplace. "It is PwC's brand assurance and the quality of our people. We put them through a very rigorous screening and interview process akin to what we do for our full-time employees. We are actively building a bench of lawyers at the moment. We have been overwhelmed by demand since we launched."

The launch follows PwC's recent law firm entry into the US with ILC Legal in Washington DC. The firm, which will service US multinationals in their business dealings overseas, opened last month.

PwC Legal services director Anne-Marie Botha says the contingent workforce is an attractive option for clients who are coping with an ever-increasing regulatory environment and pressure to deliver more with less. "It allows clients to ramp their legal teams up and down depending on changing business demand, gives them access to a rich talent pool, but still allows them to drive efficiencies in overheads."

I am sure a lot of folks are looking at this move by PwC with some apprehension. Another alternative business structure to follow.

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